Child and Youth Resources
Kids Help Phone Not just for kids, Kids Help Phone is Canada's leading phone and online professional counselling service for young people ages 5-20, in all provinces and territories. Free and confidential - Available 24/7 - 365 Days a Year 1-800-668-6868 | Substance use problems in children and youth: guide for caregivers. Information Sheet. | is an award-winning, innovative internet resource for youth who are looking for relevant information on mental health and creative stress management. is an award-winning, innovative internet resource for youth who are looking for relevant information on mental health and creative stress management.
Alcohol/Substance Use and Addiction Resources
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health The Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is an addiction and mental health teaching hospital in Toronto. Under "About Addiction and Mental Health" there are resources on mental health and substance use. Addictions Foundation of Manitoba The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba provides intervention, rehabilitation, prevention, education, and research for substance use and gambling. Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse has a mandate to reduce alcohol and drug-related harms. The 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey can be found under "Publications." Social Media Addiction Statistics The Lanier Law Firm has created a page dedicated to Social Media Addiction. Shedding insight into many trends like: which app is the most dangerous, is social media addiction on the rise, are mental health issues increasing, and more. |
Addiction Guide Addiction Guide Provides information on addiction and addiction treatment. They provide resources for people living with substance related disorders and their families and friends. Substance use problems in children and youth: guide for caregivers. Information Sheet. Health Canada Talking about drugs. |
Support Organizations
Alcoholics Anonymous -
Narcotics Anonymous -
Al-Anon and Alateen -
Alcoholics Anonymous -
Narcotics Anonymous -
Al-Anon and Alateen -
Mental Health Resources
American Psychological Association The American Psychological Association provides information, links and resources on a variety of mental health topics. Canadian Mental Health Association The Canadian Mental Health Association is a nationwide charitable mental health organization. Its website has a variety of information on mental health and mental illness. Canadian Institute for Health Information The Canadian Institute for Health Information provides health-related information, data and reports. Canadian Psychiatric Association The Canadian Psychiatric Association provides downloadable brochures on a variety of mental health topics. Canadian Psychological Association The Canadian Psychological Association provides downloadable information sheets on a variety of mental health topics. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health The Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is an addiction and mental health teaching hospital in Toronto. Under "About Addiction and Mental Health" there are resources on mental health and substance use. Centre for International Mental Health The American Psychological Association provides information, links and resources on a variety of mental health topics. Mental Health Commission of Canada The MHCC offers many tools and guidelines on a wide range of mental health topics, including on peer support, caregiving, and recovery. National Institute of Mental Health The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is a scientific organization dedicated to research focused on understanding, treatment and prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental health. Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression This site is Australian. It has three sections: self-help, support for professionals and research. Quizzes, information and effective treatments, and downloadable fact sheets are all available. Centre for Suicide Prevention The Centre for Suicide Prevention is a non-profit organization serving thousands of people in Alberta, across Canada and around the world. The Centre has a library on suicide and suicidal behaviour, provides training workshops and supports research on suicide and suicidal behaviour. LivingWorks Education Inc. LivingWorks Education provides training courses around the world that teach people how to intervene when someone is suicidal. Provides ASIST training as well as other workshops on suicide and suicidal behaviour. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale The DASS is a 42-item self-report instrument designed to measure the three related negative emotional states of depression, anxiety, and tension/stress. |
Mood Disorders Society of Canada The Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer-driven organization that is committed to improving quality of life for people affected by depression, bipolar disorder and other related disorders. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) MacAnxiety Research Centre MacAnxiety Research Centre website has information and resources about anxiety related disorders. Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada The website provides information on anxiety-related disorders, links to provincial societies and other useful organizations and pharmaceutical companies. Schizophrenia Society of Canada The Schizophrenia Society of Canada is committed to improving the lives of those affected by schizophrenia and related disorders along with their families. The site provides both information and advocacy opportunities. Psychosis 101 Psychosis 101 is a website that provides information and resources regarding symptoms, treatment and recovery for people who may be living with psychosis, as well as their friends and families. Early Psychosis Intervention EPI Promotes early detection, educates about psychosis and provides direction for seeking help. It is packed with information and resources for people experiencing psychosis and their families. National Network for Mental Health The National Network for Mental Health is run by and for mental health consumer/survivors. Its purpose is to advocate, educate and provide expertise and resources that benefit the Canadian consumer and survivor community. Go to "Get Informed" and click "Helpful People and Places" for helpful resources. Public Health Agency of Canada World Health Organization The World Health Organization has international information on mental health and mental disorders. Disability of Mental Illness The site contains information on the global burden of disease in various parts of the world, including burden due to various mental health problems. Royal College of Psychiatrists The Royal College of Psychiatrists provides information, links and resources on a variety of mental health topics. CBT Online This is an interactive site that teaches people to use ways of thinking that will help to prevent depression. It is based on cognitive behaviour therapy. |
Self-Help Books
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
Edmunds J. Bourne New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, CA |
Beyond the Relaxation Response
Herbert Benson Berkley Mass Market |